My Stories

I have always loved a good story. I love telling them, I love hearing them. I believe that is how we really get to know each other. I have been telling parts of my story since I can remember. I just wasn’t able to tell my full story. It took me over 40 years to tell the hardest part of my story, but I am doing it now!

I Speak

I finally found the will to speak.
And Speak I will.
It comes out in different ways and to varying degrees.
From “I work with survivors.” and
“I too had a childhood trauma.” to
“I am a survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse.”
I can’t shorten it or soften it.

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I feel that this is right for me!
Oh, this feels so good.
It’s hard to describe it, but I’ll try.
This is connection.
This is warmth.
This caring and understanding, laughter and tears, it’s all of it and so much more.

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Breakfasts that turn into lunch.
Conversations over coffee,
Making plans of what we will cook.
There’s a sense of time – we don’t have forever.
Favorite dishes
Cookies and pies
Endless coffee and tea

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My Stories in Clay

Powerful & Powerless

I’m living in two worlds. One where people really see me. And the one where I hide.
My story seems more appropriate in the dark, musty cave of my psyche.
No one gets in unless I let them.
The truth is…I feel like a fraud.

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  • Enough

    I buried it and moved on.
    Yes, it popped up, but I gracefully stomped it down.
    Until one day, it, she, would no longer be ignored.
    That little girl had endured Enough!

    She said to me…
    I have been ignored long enough.
    I have been silent long enough.
    I have hurt long enough.
    I have given all my love away for long enough.
    I’m here and I demand you pay attention to me.

  • Rise Up!

    Rise Up!
    I want to yell, “Get Out!”.
    I hold back.
    My eyes burn as I speak through them but, you don’t want to listen.
    “Get out!”
    I restrain myself, but you don’t
    “Get out!”
    I can feel the power within me.
    I hold back.
    I can feel the anger build up.
    “Get out!”
    This is my sacred space.
    When will I let her voice rise up?

  • Rooted Series - Goddess

    Grief, loss, my Mom.
    Larger than life at 4’11”.
    She led by example.
    Feed them.
    Strength comes from within.
    Lean on family and friends.
    And when all else fails, bake!